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Friday, August 05, 2011

Operations Management

Operations Management

Course description: This operations management course is intended to be a survey of the operating practices and procedures found in both manufacturing and service delivery firms. We will focus our attention on those business processes and procedures used to transform inputs into finished goods and services.
Operations management focuses on the systematic planning, design, and operation of all processes required for the production of goods and the delivery of services. Thus, operations management spans almost all the real value-added activities of an organization including product and process design, customer order management, production, and service delivery. Operations management also includes many supporting value-added activities such as purchasing, material requirements planning, inventory management, project management, and process improvement. These and related topics will be covered.

Lectures by chapter or topic
 Chapter 2 Quality Management

Fault-tolerant Digital Systems

Fault-tolerant Digital Systems

Course Synopsis

Our daily lives are becoming increasingly dependent on computer systems, from small, embedded computers to large-scale data centers. Any disruption in or malfunctioning of these systems can lead to devastating consequences for society as a whole. The reliability and availability of these systems is thus essential for our quality of life and for the smooth functioning of society. Therefore, it is important to build computer systems that operate correctly in the face of errors and failures.
This course focuses on the design of fault-tolerant and reliable computer systems. In particular, we will attempt to understand the root causes of faults in computer systems and their impact. We will study both traditional and cutting-edge techniques to provide fault-tolerance and error resilience. Finally, we will explore the practical applications of the techniques in the context of real systems.
An important thread that runs through the course is the evaluation of fault-tolerant systems. To this end, we will study techniques ranging from analytical modeling to empirical validation. The assignments will give you hands-on exposure to cutting edge tools and techniques for dependability evaluation, and will prepare you for the final project. You are encouraged (but not required) to work on a project related to your research interests. The final project constitutes a significant part of the grade.

Topics Covered

Some slides are based on Prof. Saurabh Bagchi’s slides for “Fault Tolerant Computer System Design” (ECE 695B) at Purdue University. Used with permission.
Introduction and Overview3Introduction to the courseBasic conceptsSources of faults in computer systems
Modeling and Evaluation -12Probability review and discrete probabilityContinuous probability and TMR
Hardware fault-tolerance2Architectural techniques
Modeling and Evaluation -22Markov processes, Stochastic Activity Networks
Software fault-tolerance3N-version programming, recovery blocks, robust data structures and process pairs
Modeling and Evaluation – 32Fault-injection: techniques and tools, Formal methods
Parallel and Distributed systems4Check-pointing and recoveryByzantine fault-tolerance and paxos
Case Studies2Stratus and AT&T systems


There is NO required textbook. However, the following books are recommended:
  1. D. P. Siewiorek and R. S. Swarz, Reliable Computer Systems – Design and Evaluation, 3rd edition, 1999, A.K. Peters, Limited.
  2. K. Trivedi, Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, 2nd edition, 2001, John Wiley & Sons.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms

Course Contents

This is an introductory level course in Data structures and algorithms, offered by CSE dept, to students of other departments who have been permitted to register for a 'minor'. The course is meant for non-CSE, UG students. CSE/PG students should take one of the other algorithms courses being offered.The syllabus definition given for this course is available from the ASC website. It is copied here for information:
Introduction to data structures, abstract data types, analysis of algorithms. Creation and manipulation of data structures: arrays, lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, balanced trees, tries, graphs. Algorithms for sorting and searching, order statistics, depth-first and breadth-first search, shortest paths and minimum spanning tree.
The course will not go into much excruciating details of various C++ implementation issues of data structures and algorithms; It will not be too top-level either. The course will focus on concepts that are 'broadly useful', not only in CSE but also other disciplines. Mostly we will study "What are some useful data structures and algorithms?”.
We will do in-class group discussions to design data structures for simpler versions of real-life applications amd programming problems. We will focus on "Why are the data structures and algorithms designed in a given way?". We will study pros-and-cons of various solutions to a given problem (Why is a particular data structure or algorithm "better" than some other?). We will also discuss "How to implement these data structures and algorithms?" in a systematic manner.

Lecture Schedule

The course is in Slot 5. There will be two lectures per week, each of 90 minutes duration.
Most of the readings correspond to the sections in the following Textbooks:
[GTM]: Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ , by M. Goodrich, R. Tamassia and D. Mount, Seventh Edition.
[RS]: Algorithms in C++ , by R. Sedgewick, Third Edition.

-05 JanNo class-Registration still ongoing
-07 JanNo class-Institute: Techfest 2011
112 JanIntroduction-Need for data structures, their relation with algorithms, ideas of correctnesss, complexity
214 JanC++ recap[GTM Ch.1]Complete this topic as self study
319 JanArrays and Linked Lists[RS Ch.3]-
421 JanList processing[RS Ch.3]-
-26 JanNo class-Republic Day
528 JanString processing[RS Ch.3]-
602 FebComplexity analysis[GTM Ch.3]-
704 FebQuiz 1-10% weightage; One A4 sheet of handwritten notes allowed
809 FebStack applications[RS Ch.4]Slides for Stack-Queue
911 FebQueue and Deque[RS Ch.4]Activity: Implementing a Queue using Stacks
-16 FebNo class-Institute Holiday
1018 FebTutorial-Problem-solving on topics covered so far
-23 FebNo class-Midsem week
1125 FebMidsem:
All topics so far
-30% weightage; One A4 sheet of handwritten notes is allowed.
Links to:Some Animations, and More animations.
1202 MarTrees[GTM Ch. 6]-
1304 MarTree traversal[GTM Ch. 6]Homework 1 to be assigned
1409 MarQuicksort and Mergesort[RS Ch. 7, 8]Elementary sorting [RS Ch. 6] - self study
1511 MarPriority Queue[RS Ch. 9]Homework 1 is due on 14th March
1616 MarHeapsort[RS Ch. 9]Slides for Priority Queues and Heapsort
1718 MarBinary Search Trees[GTM Ch. 9]Homework 2 to be assigned
1823 MarAVL Trees[GTM Ch. 9]-
1925 MarHashing[RS Ch. 14]Homework 2 is due on 28th March
2030 MarQuiz 2:
All topics after Midsem
-10% weightage; One A4 sheet of handwritten notes is allowed.
2101 AprGraphs: Data Structures[GTM Ch. 12]Homework 3 to be assigned
2206 AprGraphs: Traversal[GTM Ch. 12]-
2308 AprShortest Path, MST[GTM Ch. 12]Homework 3 is due on 15th April
2413 AprTutorial-Problem-solving and Practice Test
2515 AprClosure-More problem-solving; Last day of classes
2628 AprEnd-sem:
All topics
-40% weightage; One A4 sheet of handwritten notes is allowed.

Speech and Natural Language Processing and the Web/Topics in Artificial Intelligence Programming

Speech and Natural Language Processing and the Web/Topics in Artificial Intelligence Programming

Course contents

  • Sound : Biology of Speech Processing; Place and Manner of Articulation; Word Boundary Detection; Argmax based computations; HMM and Speech Recognition
  • Words and Word Forms : Morphology fundamentals; Morphological Diversity of Indian Languages; Morphology Paradigms; Finite State Machine Based Morphology; Automatic Morphology Learning; Shallow Parsing; Named Entities; Maximum Entropy Models; Random Fields
  • Structures : Theories of Parsing, Parsing Algorithms; Robust and Scalable Parsing on Noisy Text as in Web documents; Hybrid of Rule Based and Probabilistic Parsing; Scope Ambiguity and Attachment Ambiguity resolution
  • Meaning : Lexical Knowledge Networks, Wordnet Theory; Indian Language Wordnets and Multilingual Dictionaries; Semantic Roles; Word Sense Disambiguation; WSD and Multilinguality; Metaphors; Coreferences
  • Web 2.0 Applications : Sentiment Analysis; Text Entailment; Robust and Scalable Machine Translation; Question Answering in Multilingual Setting; Cross Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR)

Texts and References

  1. Allen, James, Natural Language UnderstandingSecond Edition, Benjamin/Cumming, 1995.
  2. Charniack, Eugene, Statistical Language LearningMIT Press, 1993.
  3. Jurafsky, Dan and Martin, James, Speech and Language ProcessingSecond Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.
  4. Manning, Christopher and Heinrich, Schutze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language ProcessingMIT Press, 1999.
  5. Radford, Andrew et. al., Linguistics, An IntroductionCambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Journals : Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Engineering, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence
  • Conferences : Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL), Computational Linguistics (COLING), European ACL (EACL), Empirical Methods in NLP (EMNLP), Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), Human Language Technology (HLT).

Lecture Slides

Lecture slides can also be found here

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

Course description:This course will cover traditional material, as well as recent advances in the theory and practice of natural language processing (NLP) - the creation of computer programs that can understand, generate, and learn natural language. The course will introduce both knowledge-based and statistical approaches to NLP, illustrate the use of NLP techniques and tools in a variety of application areas, and provide insight into many open research problems.

class notes
Reading material
Course overview [ppt]
Short Perl tutorial (I) [ppt]
One of the tutorials below [see the "Links" section]
Short Perl tutorial (II) [ppt]
One of the tutorials below [see the "Links" section]
Linguistics Essentials [ppt] 
Guest lecture by Ben Leong
Chap.3 [Manning & Schutze] or any book on English grammar
Language Models [ppt]
Chap.4 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Language Models [ppt]
Chap.4 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Language Models [ppt]
Chap.4 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Collocations [ppt]
Word classes and part of speech tagging ppt]
Chap.5 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Word classes and part of speech tagging ppt]
Chap.5 [Jurafsky & Martin]
HMM Tagging. Viterbi Algorithm. [ppt]
Chap.6 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Context Free Grammars [ppt] 
Chap.12-13 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Parsing with Context Free Grammars [ppt]
Chap.12-13 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Probabilistic Parsing [ppt] 
Guest lecture by Michael Mohler.
Chap.14 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Presentation and Workshop: "New Google Tools for Research"
Mano Marks, Google
Willis 136, first floor of Library
Exam preparation.
All the material studied so far.
Exam I.
All the material studied so far.
Word Sense Disambiguation [ppt]
Chap. 19, 20 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Word Sense Disambiguation [ppt]
Chap.19, 20 [Jurafsky & Martin]
Word Sense Disambiguation [ppt]
Chap.19, 20 [Jurafsky & Martin]
No class.
Word Sense Disambiguation
Special topics: Subjectivity and sentiment analysis [ppt]
Special topics: Subjectivity and sentiment analysis [ppt]
Special topics: Text semantic similarity [ppt]
Special topics: Text classification [ppt]
Thanksgiving. No class.
Wrap-up. Project discussions. Exam II preparation.
Exam II.
Project presentations.
Project presentations.

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