Dependable computer systems are required in applications which involve human life or large economics. In this course we study the theory and practice of design of such system both at hardware and software level. We will cover the following topics.
 | Dependability concepts: dependable system, techniques for achieving dependability, dependability measures, fault, error, failure, and classification of faults and failures. Dependability measures and reliability calculation. |
 | Fault tolerant strategies: Fault detection, masking, containment, location, reconfiguration, and recovery. |
 | Fault tolerant design techniques: Hardware redundancy, software redundancy, time redundancy, and information redundancy. |
 | Fault tolerance in real-time systems: Time-space tradeoff, imprecise computation, (m,k)-firm deadline model, fault tolerant scheduling algorithms. |
 | Dependable communication: Dependable channels, survivable networks, fault-tolerant routing. |
 | Fault tolerance in distributed systems: Building blocks: consensus protocols, fault diagnosis, clock synchronization, stable storage and RAID architectures; checkpointing and recovery; atomic actions; data replication and resiliency. |
 | Dependability evaluation techniques and tools: Fault trees, Markov chains, Petri Nets; Case studies. |
 | Analysis of fault tolerant hardware and software architectures. |
 | Case studies of dependable systems. |
 | Reading of some of the state-of-the-art research material.
LECTURE # | FILES | Dependability Concepts | | Lecture 01 | | Lecture 02 | | Lecture 03 | | | | Fault-Tolerant (FT) Design Techniques | | Lecture 04 | | Lecture 05 | | Information Redundancy - self reading | | | | Dependability Modeling | | Reliability, MTTF, etc. | PPT | Fault Tree Analysis | | Petri Nets | | | | FT in Distributed Systems | | Stable storage -- RAID | PPT | Stable storage - advanced RAID | PPT | Consensus | PPT | Clock Synchronization | PPT | System-level diagnosis | PPT | Checkpoint and Rollback recovery | PPT | Atomic actions -- Lock & Commit Protocols | PPT | Replica management protocols | PPT | | | FT in Networks | | Dependable communication - 1 | PPT | Primary-backup path | PPT | Fault Localization | PPT | Dependability-Security | PDF | | | FT in Real-Time Systems | | Lecture 06 | | Lecture 07 | | Lecture 08 | | | | | | Spring 2010 Student Presentations | | Recovery-Oriented Computing - Peter Scott | PDF | ZFS - a RAID based file system - Henri Bai | http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Community+Group+zfs/docs | 2-dimensional error coding - Long Chen | PDF | Software based fault detection - Tim Prince | PPT | Self Recovery of Server Programs - Chesta Dwivedi | PPT | Dynamic Fault Trees - Ashok Aditya | PPT | Device Failure Tolerance Using Software - Haribabu Narayanan | PPT | FPGA Fault Tolerance - Matt Clausman | PPT | Byzantine Storage - Debkanta Chakraborty | PPT | | | | | Spring 2009 Student Presentations | | Fault-Tolerant Internet Services -- Indranil Roy | PPT | Checkpoint Recovery in Petaflop systems -- Paul Jennings | PPT | Highly Available Systems - Case Study -- Cory Kleinheksel | PPT | Fault-Tolerant TCP Server -- Preethika K. | PPT | Fault-Tolerant CORBA (NVP implementation) -- Indranil Roy | PPT | Fault-Tolerant Multipath Routing - Ganesan Mani | PPT | Petri Net modeling - Phased Mission - Siddharth Sridhar | PPT | | | | | Spring 2007 Student Presentations | | Energy-aware scheduling Weakly-hard real-time systems (Julie Rursch) | PPT | Fault-Tolerance in Multiprocessor SoC (Premkumar) | PPT | Fountain Codes (Long Long) | PPT | Network Time Protocol (Lizandro) | PPT | RAID architectures (Russell Graves) | PDF | | | Spring 2006 Student Presentations | | Architecture fault-tolerance (Viswanathan) | PPT | Advanced Quorum protocols (Kamna) | PPT | Fault-tolerant objects (Bebek) | PPT | Hierarchical system-level Diagnosis (Qin Wen) | PPT | Checkpointing in mobile systems (Ben) | PPT | Dependability and Security (Srdjan) | PPT | Decidability and Schedulability -- Timed Automata () | PPT | System-level diagnosis in adhoc networks (Kavitha) | PPT1, PPT2 |
NOTE: You can print the handout slides from Microsoft Powerpoint.
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